Introduction and New Logo

Welcome to Embedded Things, the place for all sorts of information about putting embedded systems in things (which usually don't need them). Hardware hacks, software tricks and all sorts of projects will be appearing over the coming weeks, months and years.

My name is Owen and I've been working in the field of small Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) research for a few years now. This has given me exposure to all manner of embedded hardware and software. I'm about to change careers, so thought it was time to start documenting some of the things I've learnt along the way for the benefit of mankind. I've started this blog (which is a word I can't stand, by the way) as a place to share the projects I've been working on, hopefully stirring the interest of others along the way.

Once up and running I immediately set to work thinking up content, completely neglecting aesthetics. WordPress took care of the basics, so what more is there to do? Well, after a chance conversation with a friend it was decided that every blog needs a logo. So after "5 minutes" (read: 3 hours) of tinkering, he presented me with his creation (it's at the top of the page, if you haven't figured this out already). It is a much more professional looking job than anything I could have knocked up, and is a great improvement over the previous text heading, thanks Will!

So that's that; blog created, logo uploaded, now to start posting things to benefit mankind...

Posted in Uncategorized

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